Source code for quantity

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the Cortix toolkit environment
import pandas
import matplotlib
matplotlib.use('Agg', warn=False)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs]class Quantity: ''' todo: this probably should not have a "value" for the same reason as Species. this needs some thinking. well not so fast. This can be used to build a quantity with anything as a value. For instance a history of the quantity as a time series. ''' def __init__(self, name = 'null-quantity-name', formalName = 'null-quantity-formal-name', # deprecated formal_name = 'null-quantity-formal-name', value = float(0.0), # this can be any type unit = 'null-quantity-unit' ): assert isinstance(name, str), 'not a string.' self.__name = name assert isinstance(formalName, str), 'not a string.' self.__formalName = formalName # deprecated self.__formal_name = formal_name self.__value = value assert isinstance(name, str), 'not a string.' self.__unit = unit self.__name = name self.__value = value self.__unit = unit return
[docs] def SetName(self, n): ''' Sets the name of the quantity in question to n. Parameters ---------- n: str ''' self.__name = n
[docs] def get_name(self): ''' Returns the name of the quantity. Returns ------- name: str ''' return self.__name
name = property(get_name, SetName, None, None)
[docs] def SetValue(self, v): ''' Sets the numerical value of the quantity to v. Parameters ---------- v: float ''' self.__value = v
[docs] def GetValue(self): ''' Gets the numerical value of the quantity. Returns ------- value: any type ''' return self.__value
value = property(GetValue, SetValue, None, None)
[docs] def SetFormalName(self, fn): ''' Sets the formal name of the property to fn. Parameters ---------- fn: str ''' self.__formalName = fn self.__formal_name = fn
[docs] def GetFormalName(self): ''' Returns the formal name of the quantity. Returns ------- formalName: str ''' return self.__formalName
formalName = property(GetFormalName, SetFormalName, None, None) formal_name = property(GetFormalName, SetFormalName, None, None)
[docs] def SetUnit(self, f): ''' Sets the units of the quantity to f (for example, density would be in units of g/cc. Parameters ---------- f: str ''' self.__unit = f
[docs] def GetUnit(self): ''' Returns the units of the quantity. Returns ------- unit: str ''' return self.__unit
unit = property(GetUnit, SetUnit, None, None)
[docs] def plot(self, x_scaling=1, y_scaling=1, title=None, x_label='x', y_label=None, file_name=None, same_axis=True, dpi=300): ''' This will support a few possibities for data storage in the self.__value member. Pandas Series. If self.__value is a Pandas Series, plot against the index. However the type stored in the Series matter. Suppose it is a series of a `numpy` array. This must be of the same rank for every entry. This plot method assumes it is an iterable type of the same length for every entry in the series. A plot of all elements in the type against the index of the series will be made. The plot may have all elements in one axis or each element in its own axis. ''' plt.clf() plt.cla() plt.close() if not isinstance(self.__value, pandas.core.series.Series): return if len(self.__value) == 1: return if not title: title = self.formal_name if not y_label: y_label = if isinstance(self.__value[0],float) or isinstance(self.__value[0],int) \ or isinstance(self.__value[0],bool): n_dim = 1 # Turn series of values into a series of a list of one value to allow for # the indexing below for i in range (len(self.__value[:])): self.__value.iat[i] = [ self.__value.iat[i] ] # list of one element else: n_dim = len(self.__value[0]) x = [i*x_scaling for i in self.__value.index] #x = self.__value.index # potential bug in matplotlib if same_axis: fig = plt.figure(self.__formal_name) for i in range(n_dim): if not same_axis: fig = plt.figure(self.__formal_name+str(i)) y = list() for j in range(len(x)): y.append( self.__value.iat[j][i] ) # must use iat() plt.xlabel(x_label) plt.ylabel(y_label) plt.title(title) plt.plot(x, y) if not same_axis and file_name: plt.savefig(file_name+str(i)+'.png',dpi=dpi) if same_axis and file_name: plt.savefig(file_name+'.png',dpi=dpi) return
[docs] def __str__(self): ''' Used to print the data stored by the quantity class. Will print out name, formal name, the value of the quantity and its unit. Returns ------- s: str ''' s = '\n\t Quantity(): \n\t name=%s; formal name=%s; value=%s[%s]' return s % (, self.formalName, self.value, self.unit)
[docs] def __repr__(self): ''' Used to print the data stored by the quantity class. Will print out name, formal name, the value of the quantity and its unit. Returns ------- s: str ''' s = '\n\t Quantity(): \n\t name=%s; formal name=%s; value=%s[%s]' return s % (, self.formalName, self.value, self.unit)