Source code for parole

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the Cortix toolkit environment.

import numpy as np
import scipy.constants as const
from scipy.integrate import odeint

from cortix import Module
from cortix import Phase
from cortix import Quantity

[docs]class Parole(Module): ''' Parole Cortix module used to model criminal group population in a parole system. Notes ----- These are the `port` names available in this module to connect to respective modules: `prison` and `community`. See instance attribute `port_names_expected`. ''' def __init__(self, n_groups=1, pool_size=0.0): super().__init__() self.port_names_expected = ['prison','community'] quantities = list() self.ode_params = dict() self.initial_time = 0.0 * self.end_time = 100 * self.time_step = 0.5 * # Population groups self.n_groups = n_groups # Parole population groups feg_0 = np.random.random(self.n_groups) * pool_size feg = Quantity(name='feg', formalName='parole-pop-grps', unit='individual', value=feg_0) quantities.append(feg) # Model parameters: commitment coefficients and their modifiers # Parole to community ce0g_0 = np.random.random(self.n_groups) / ce0g = Quantity(name='ce0g', formalName='commit-community-coeff-grps', unit='individual', value=ce0g_0) self.ode_params['commit-to-community-coeff-grps'] = ce0g_0 quantities.append(ce0g) me0g_0 = np.random.random(self.n_groups) me0g = Quantity(name='me0g', formalName='commit-community-coeff-mod-grps', unit='individual', value=me0g_0) self.ode_params['commit-to-community-coeff-mod-grps'] = me0g_0 quantities.append(me0g) # Parole to prison cepg_0 = np.random.random(self.n_groups) / cepg = Quantity(name='cepg', formalName='commit-prison-coeff-grps', unit='individual', value=cepg_0) self.ode_params['commit-to-prison-coeff-grps'] = cepg_0 quantities.append(cepg) mepg_0 = np.random.random(self.n_groups) mepg = Quantity(name='mepg', formalName='commit-prison-coeff-mod-grps', unit='individual', value=mepg_0) self.ode_params['commit-to-prison-coeff-mod-grps'] = mepg_0 quantities.append(mepg) # Death term self.ode_params['parole-death-rates'] = np.zeros(self.n_groups) # Phase state self.population_phase = Phase(self.initial_time, time_unit='s', quantities=quantities) self.population_phase.SetValue('feg', feg_0, self.initial_time) # Initialize inflows to zero self.ode_params['prison-inflow-rates'] = np.zeros(self.n_groups) return
[docs] def run(self, *args): self.__zero_ode_parameters() time = self.initial_time while time < self.end_time: # Interactions in the prison port #-------------------------------- # two way "to" and "from" prison # to message_time = self.recv('prison') outflow_rates = self.__compute_outflow_rates( message_time, 'prison' ) self.send( (message_time, outflow_rates), 'prison' ) # from self.send( time, 'prison' ) (check_time, prison_inflow_rates) = self.recv('prison') assert abs(check_time-time) <= 1e-6 self.ode_params['prison-inflow-rates'] = prison_inflow_rates # Interactions in the community port #----------------------------------- # one way "to" community message_time = self.recv('community') outflow_rates = self.__compute_outflow_rates( message_time, 'community' ) self.send( (message_time, outflow_rates), 'community' ) # Evolve parole group population to the next time stamp #------------------------------------------------------ time = self.__step( time )
def __rhs_fn(self, u_vec, t, params): feg = u_vec # parole population groups prison_inflow_rates = params['prison-inflow-rates'] inflow_rates = prison_inflow_rates ce0g = self.ode_params['commit-to-community-coeff-grps'] me0g = self.ode_params['commit-to-community-coeff-mod-grps'] cepg = self.ode_params['commit-to-prison-coeff-grps'] mepg = self.ode_params['commit-to-prison-coeff-mod-grps'] outflow_rates = ( ce0g * me0g + cepg * mepg ) * feg death_rates = params['parole-death-rates'] dt_feg = inflow_rates - outflow_rates - death_rates return dt_feg def __step(self, time=0.0): r''' ODE IVP problem: Given the initial data at :math:`t=0`, :math:`u = (u_1(0),u_2(0),\ldots)` solve :math:`\frac{\text{d}u}{\text{d}t} = f(u)` in the interval :math:`0\le t \le t_f`. Parameters ---------- time: float Time in SI unit. Returns ------- None ''' u_vec_0 = self.population_phase.GetValue('feg', time) t_interval_sec = np.linspace(0.0, self.time_step, num=2) (u_vec_hist, info_dict) = odeint(self.__rhs_fn, u_vec_0, t_interval_sec, args=( self.ode_params, ), rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-8, mxstep=200, full_output=True) assert info_dict['message'] =='Integration successful.', info_dict['message'] u_vec = u_vec_hist[1,:] # solution vector at final time step values = self.population_phase.GetRow(time) # values at previous time time += self.time_step self.population_phase.AddRow(time, values) # Update current values self.population_phase.SetValue('feg', u_vec, time) return time def __compute_outflow_rates(self, time, name): feg = self.population_phase.GetValue('feg',time) assert np.all(feg>=0.0), 'values: %r'%feg if name == 'prison': cepg = self.ode_params['commit-to-prison-coeff-grps'] mepg = self.ode_params['commit-to-prison-coeff-mod-grps'] outflow_rates = cepg * mepg * feg if name == 'community': ce0g = self.ode_params['commit-to-community-coeff-grps'] me0g = self.ode_params['commit-to-community-coeff-mod-grps'] outflow_rates = ce0g * me0g * feg return outflow_rates def __zero_ode_parameters(self): ''' If ports are not connected the corresponding outflows must be zero. ''' zeros = np.zeros(self.n_groups) p_names = [ for p in self.ports] if 'community' not in p_names: self.ode_params['commit-to-community-coeff-grps'] = zeros self.ode_params['commit-to-community-coeff-mod-grps'] = zeros if 'prison' not in p_names: self.ode_params['commit-to-prison-coeff-grps'] = zeros self.ode_params['commit-to-prison-coeff-mod-grps'] = zeros return