Source code for fuelslug

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the Cortix toolkit environment
# All rights reserved, see COPYRIGHT for full restrictions.
# Licensed under the University of Massachusetts Lowell LICENSE:
Author: Valmor de Almeida; vfda

Fuel slug

This container requires two Phase() containers which are by definition histories.
The history is not checked. Therefore any inconsistency will be propagated forward.
A fuel slug has two solid phases: cladding and fuel. The user will decide how to
best use the underlying history data in the Phase() container of each phase.

VFdALib support classes

Thu Dec 15 16:18:39 EST 2016
# *******************************************************************************
import os
import sys
import io
import time
import datetime
import math
import random
import pandas
from copy import deepcopy

from import ELEMENTS
from import SERIES
from import Phase
# *******************************************************************************

[docs]class FuelSlug: #********************************************************************************* # Construction #********************************************************************************* def __init__(self, specs=pandas.Series(), fuelPhase = Phase(), claddingPhase=Phase() ): assert isinstance(specs, pandas.Series), 'fatal.' assert isinstance(fuelPhase, Phase), 'fatal.' assert isinstance(claddingPhase, Phase), 'fatal.' self.attributeNames = \ ['nSlugs', 'slugType', 'slugVolume', 'slugArea', 'fuelVolume', 'claddingVolume', 'fuelArea', 'claddingArea', 'equivalentCladdingVolume', 'equivalentCladdingArea', 'equivalentFuelVolume', 'equivalentFuelArea', 'fuelLength', 'slugLength', 'fuelMass', 'fuelMassDens', 'fuelMassCC', 'claddingMass', 'claddingMassDens', 'claddingMassCC', 'nuclides', 'isotopes', 'radioactivity', 'radioactivityDens', 'gamma', 'gammaDens', 'heat', 'heatDens', 'molarHeatPwr', 'molarGammaPwr'] # own internal copy self._specs = deepcopy(specs) self._fuelPhase = deepcopy(fuelPhase) self._claddingPhase = deepcopy(claddingPhase) # setup the equivalent cladding hollow sphere pi = math.pi area = self.__GetAttribute('claddingArea') volume = self.__GetAttribute('claddingVolume') ro = math.sqrt(area / 4 / pi) ri = (ro**3 - volume * 3 / 4 / pi)**(1 / 3) self._claddingHollowSphereRo = ro self._claddingHollowSphereRi = ri area = self.__GetAttribute('fuelArea') volume = self.__GetAttribute('fuelVolume') ro = math.sqrt(area / 4 / pi) ri = (ro**3 - volume * 3 / 4 / pi)**(1 / 3) self._fuelHollowSphereRo = ro self._fuelHollowSphereRi = ri return #********************************************************************************* # Public Member Functions #*********************************************************************************
[docs] def GetSpecs(self): ''' Returns the species associated with this fuel slug. Returns ------- specs: str ''' return self._specs
specs = property(GetSpecs, None, None, None)
[docs] def GetFuelPhase(self): ''' Returns the phase history of the solid fuel. Returns ------- fuelPhase: dataFrame ''' return self._fuelPhase
fuelPhase = property(GetFuelPhase, None, None, None)
[docs] def GetCladdingPhase(self): ''' Returns the phase history of the cladding. Returns ------- claddingPhase: dataFrame ''' return self._claddingPhase
claddingPhase = property(GetCladdingPhase, None, None, None)
[docs] def GetAttribute(self, name, phase=None, symbol=None, series=None): ''' Returns the value of the specified attribute. Any attribute that is specified in class construction can be retrieved using this function. The attribute may also be retrived from a speciefic phase, a specific nuclide OR a specific series. Parameters ---------- name: str phase: str symbol: str series: str Returns ------- attribute: int or float ''' return self.__GetAttribute(name, symbol, series)
[docs] def ReduceCladdingVolume(self, dissolvedVolume): ''' Reduces the amount of cladding in the slug by dissolvedvolume. This will also update the dimensions of the cladding walls and end caps; volume will be taken from all sections equally such that the relative dimensions stay the same. Parameters ---------- dissolvedVolume: float ''' self.__ReduceCladdingVolume(dissolvedVolume)
[docs] def ReduceFuelVolume(self, dissolvedVolume): ''' Reduces the amount of fuel in the slug by dissolvedVolume. This will also update the dimensions of the fuel slug, mainly the thickness of each fuel layers. Parameters ---------- dissolvedVolume: float ''' self.__ReduceFuelVolume(dissolvedVolume)
def __str__(self): s = 'FuelSlug(): \n\t specs \n\t %s \n\t fuelPhase \n\t %s \n\t claddingPhase \n\t %s' return s % (self._specs, self._fuelPhase, self._claddingPhase) def __repr__(self): s = 'FuelSlug(): \n\t specs \n\t %s \n\t fuelPhase \n\t %s \n\t claddingPhase \n\t %s' return s % (self._specs, self._fuelPhase, self._claddingPhase) # Get stored fuel slug property either overall or on a nuclide basis #********************************************************************************* # Private Member Functions (Internal use: __) #********************************************************************************* def __GetAttribute(self, attributeName, nuclide=None, series=None): ''' Returns the specified attribute. Series and nuclide must both be specified if the other is specified! Parameters ---------- attributeName: str nuclide: str series: str Returns ------- Various attributes. ''' assert attributeName in self.attributeNames, ' attribute name: %r; options: %r; fail.' % ( attributeName, self.attributeNames) if nuclide is not None: assert len(nuclide.split('*')) == 1 # sanity check if nuclide is not None: assert series is None, 'fail.' if series is not None: assert nuclide is None, 'fail.' if series is not None: assert False, ' not implemented.' if attributeName == 'isotopes': assert nuclide is not None, 'need a nuclide symbol.' # ................................................................................. # # of slugs if attributeName == 'nSlugs': return 1 # ................................................................................. # slugId if attributeName == 'slugType': return self._specs['Slug type'] # ................................................................................. # slug volume if attributeName == 'slugVolume': return __GetSlugVolume(self) # ................................................................................. # fuel volume if attributeName == 'fuelVolume': return __GetFuelVolume(self) # ................................................................................. # equivalent fuel volume if attributeName == 'equivalentFuelVolume': return __GetEquivalentFuelVolume(self) # ................................................................................. # cladding volume if attributeName == 'claddingVolume': return __GetCladdingVolume(self) # ................................................................................. # equivalent cladding volume if attributeName == 'equivalentCladdingVolume': return __GetEquivalentCladdingVolume(self) # ................................................................................. # fuel area if attributeName == 'fuelArea': return __GetFuelArea(self) # ................................................................................. # equivalent fuel area if attributeName == 'equivalentFuelArea': return __GetEquivalentFuelArea(self) # ................................................................................. # cladding area if attributeName == 'claddingArea': return __GetCladdingArea(self) if attributeName == 'slugArea': return __GetCladdingArea(self) # ................................................................................. # equivalent cladding area if attributeName == 'equivalentCladdingArea': return __GetEquivalentCladdingArea(self) # ................................................................................. # fuel length if attributeName == 'fuelLength': return __GetFuelLength(self) # ................................................................................. # fuel slug overall quantities if nuclide is None and series is None: # mass or mass concentration if attributeName == 'fuelMassCC' or attributeName == 'fuelMassDens' or attributeName == 'fuelMass': mass = self._fuelPhase.GetValue('mass') if attributeName == 'fuelMass': return mass else: # volume = __GetFuelVolume( self ) volume = __GetEquivalentFuelVolume(self) if volume == 0.0: assert abs( volume - self._fuelPhase.GetValue('volume')) < 1e-8 return mass else: assert abs( volume - self._fuelPhase.GetValue('volume')) / volume * 100.0 < 0.1 return mass / volume # mass or mass concentration if attributeName == 'claddingMassCC' or attributeName == 'claddingMassDens' or attributeName == 'claddingMass': mass = self._claddingPhase.GetValue('mass') if attributeName == 'claddingMass': return mass else: # volume = __GetCladdingVolume( self ) volume = __GetEquivalentCladdingVolume(self) if volume == 0.0: assert abs( volume - self._claddingPhase.GetValue('volume')) < 1e-8 return mass else: assert abs( volume - self._claddingPhase.GetValue('volume')) / volume * 100.0 < 0.1 return mass / volume # radioactivity if attributeName == 'radioactivtyDens' or attributeName == 'radioactivity': radioactivity = self._fuelPhase.GetValue('radioactivity') if attributeName == 'radioactivity': return radioactivity else: volume = __GetFuelVolume(self) if volume == 0.0: assert abs( volume - self._fuelPhase.GetValue('volume')) < 1e-8 return radioactivity else: assert abs( volume - self._fuelPhase.GetValue('volume')) / volume * 100.0 < 0.1 return radioactivity / volume # gamma if attributeName == 'gammaDens' or attributeName == 'gamma': gammaDens = 0.0 for spc in self._fuelPhase.species: gammaDens += spc.molarGammaPwr * spc.molarCC if attributeName == 'gammaDens': return gammaDens else: volume = __GetFuelVolume(self) return gammaDens * volume # heat if attributeName == 'heatDens' or attributeName == 'heat': heatDens = 0.0 for spc in self._fuelPhase.species: heatDens += spc.molarHeatPwr * spc.molarCC if attributeName == 'heatDens': return heatDens else: volume = __GetFuelVolume(self) return heatDens * volume # ................................................................................. # radioactivity if attributeName == 'radioactivityDens' or attributeName == 'radioactivity': assert False colName = 'Radioactivity Dens. [Ci/cc]' # ................................................................................. # thermal if attributeName == 'thermalDens' or attributeName == 'thermal' or \ attributeName == 'heatDens' or attributeName == 'heat': assert False colName = 'Thermal Dens. [W/cc]' # ................................................................................. # gamma if attributeName == 'gammaDens' or attributeName == 'gamma': assert False colName = 'Gamma Dens. [W/cc]' # ................................................................................. ########################################################################## # ................................................................................. # if attributeName[-4:] == 'Dens' or attributeName[-2:] == 'CC': # attributeDens = True # else: # attributeDens = False # ................................................................................. # all nuclide content of the fuel added # if nuclide is None and series is None: # # density = 0.0 # # density = self.propertyDensities[ colName ].sum() # # if attributeDens is False: # volume = __GetFuelSlugVolume( self ) # prop = density * volume # return prop # else: # return density # ................................................................................. # get chemical element series # if series is not None: # # density = 0.0 # # for isotope in isotopes: # density += self.propertyDensities.loc[isotope,colName] # # if attributeDens is False: # volume = __GetFuelSlugVolume( self ) # prop = density * volume # return prop # else: # return density # ................................................................................. # get specific nuclide (either the isotopes of the nuclide or the specific # isotope) property if nuclide is not None: # a particular nuclide given (atomic number and atomic mass number) if len(nuclide.split('-')) == 2: nuclideMassNumber = int(nuclide.split('-')[1].strip('m')) nuclideSymbol = nuclide.split('-')[0] nuclideMolarMass = ELEMENTS[nuclideSymbol].isotopes[nuclideMassNumber].mass massCC = 0.0 for spc in self._fuelPhase.species: formula = spc.atoms moleFraction = 0.0 for item in formula: if len(item.split('*') ) == 1: # no multiplier (implies 1.0) formulaNuclideSymbol = item.split('-')[0].strip() if formulaNuclideSymbol == nuclideSymbol: assert len(item.split('-')) == 2 if item.split('*')[0].strip() == nuclide: moleFraction = 1.0 else: moleFraction = 0.0 elif len(item.split('*')) == 2: # with multiplier formulaNuclideSymbol = item.split( '*')[1].split('-')[0].strip() if formulaNuclideSymbol == nuclideSymbol: assert len(item.split('*')[1].split('-')) == 2 if item.split('*')[1].strip() == nuclide: moleFraction = float( item.split('*')[0].strip()) else: moleFraction = 0.0 else: assert False massCC += spc.molarCC * moleFraction * nuclideMolarMass return massCC * __GetFuelVolume(self) # chemical element given (only atomic number given) elif len(nuclide.split('-')) == 1: massCC = 0.0 for spc in self._fuelPhase.species: formula = spc.atoms for item in formula: moleFraction = 0.0 if len(item.split('*') ) == 1: # no multiplier (implies 1.0) assert len(item.split('-')) == 2 formulaNuclideSymbol = item.split('-')[0].strip() formulaNuclideMassNumber = int( item.split('-')[1].strip('m')) formulaNuclideMolarMass = ELEMENTS[formulaNuclideSymbol].isotopes[formulaNuclideMassNumber].mass if formulaNuclideSymbol == nuclide: moleFraction = 1.0 else: moleFraction = 0.0 elif len(item.split('*')) == 2: # with multiplier assert len(item.split('*')[1].split('-')) == 2 formulaNuclideSymbol = item.split( '*')[1].split('-')[0].strip() formulaNuclideMassNumber = int( item.split('*')[1].split('-')[1].strip('m')) formulaNuclideMolarMass = ELEMENTS[formulaNuclideSymbol].isotopes[formulaNuclideMassNumber].mass if formulaNuclideSymbol == nuclide: moleFraction = float( item.split('*')[0].strip()) else: moleFraction = 0.0 else: assert False massCC += spc.molarCC * moleFraction * formulaNuclideMolarMass return massCC * __GetFuelVolume(self) else: assert False def __GetSlugLength(self): ''' Returns the length of the fuelslug in cm (includes the end caps). Returns ------- self._specs['Slug length [cm]']: float ''' return self._specs['Slug length [cm]'] def __GetFuelLength(self): ''' Returns the length of the fuel section in the slug (this is the length of the fuel slug without the cladding end caps). Given in cm. Returns ------- fuelLength: float ''' slugLength = __GetSlugLength(self) cladEndCapThickness = self._specs['Cladding end cap thickness [cm]'] fuelLength = slugLength - 2.0 * cladEndCapThickness return fuelLength def __GetSlugVolume(self): ''' Returns the total volume of the fuel slug, in cm^3. Returns ------- outerSlugVolume + innerSlugVolume: float ''' slugLength = __GetSlugLength(self) outerSlugOuterRadius = self._specs['Outer slug OD [cm]'] / 2.0 outerSlugInnerRadius = self._specs['Outer slug ID [cm]'] / 2.0 outerSlugVolume = slugLength * math.pi * \ (outerSlugOuterRadius**2 - outerSlugInnerRadius**2) innerSlugOuterRadius = self._specs['Inner slug OD [cm]'] / 2.0 innerSlugInnerRadius = self._specs['Inner slug ID [cm]'] / 2.0 innerSlugVolume = slugLength * math.pi * \ (innerSlugOuterRadius**2 - innerSlugInnerRadius**2) return outerSlugVolume + innerSlugVolume def __GetFuelVolume(self): ''' Returns the total volume of fuel in the slug, in cm^3. Returns ------- volume: float ''' fuelLength = __GetFuelLength(self) cladWallThickness = self._specs['Cladding wall thickness [cm]'] outerFuelOuterRadius = self._specs['Outer slug OD [cm]'] / \ 2.0 - cladWallThickness outerFuelInnerRadius = self._specs['Outer slug ID [cm]'] / \ 2.0 + cladWallThickness outerFuelVolume = fuelLength * math.pi * \ (outerFuelOuterRadius**2 - outerFuelInnerRadius**2) innerFuelOuterRadius = self._specs['Inner slug OD [cm]'] / \ 2.0 - cladWallThickness innerFuelInnerRadius = self._specs['Inner slug ID [cm]'] / \ 2.0 + cladWallThickness innerFuelVolume = fuelLength * math.pi * \ (innerFuelOuterRadius**2 - innerFuelInnerRadius**2) volume = outerFuelVolume + innerFuelVolume return volume def __GetCladdingVolume(self): ''' Returns the total volume of cladding in the slug. Returns ------- slugVolume - fuelVolume: float ''' slugVolume = __GetSlugVolume(self) fuelVolume = __GetFuelVolume(self) return slugVolume - fuelVolume def __GetFuelArea(self): ''' Returns the surface area of the fuel, in cm^2. Returns ------- outerSlugFuelArea + innerSlugFuelArea: float ''' pi = math.pi cladWallThickness = self._specs['Cladding wall thickness [cm]'] slugLength = self._specs['Slug length [cm]'] outerSlugFuelArea = 0.0 # side walls outerSlugOuterRadius = self._specs['Outer slug OD [cm]'] / 2.0 outerSlugFuelArea += 2.0 * pi * \ (outerSlugOuterRadius - cladWallThickness) * slugLength outerSlugInnerRadius = self._specs['Outer slug ID [cm]'] / 2.0 outerSlugFuelArea += 2.0 * pi * \ (outerSlugInnerRadius + cladWallThickness) * slugLength # add bottom and top areas outerSlugFuelArea += 2.0 * pi * \ ((outerSlugOuterRadius - cladWallThickness)**2 - (outerSlugInnerRadius + cladWallThickness)**2) innerSlugFuelArea = 0.0 # side walls innerSlugOuterRadius = self._specs['Inner slug OD [cm]'] / 2.0 innerSlugFuelArea += 2.0 * pi * \ (innerSlugOuterRadius - cladWallThickness) * slugLength innerSlugInnerRadius = self._specs['Inner slug ID [cm]'] / 2.0 innerSlugFuelArea += 2.0 * pi * \ (innerSlugInnerRadius + cladWallThickness) * slugLength # add bottom and top areas innerSlugFuelArea += 2.0 * pi * \ ((innerSlugOuterRadius - cladWallThickness)**2 - (innerSlugInnerRadius + cladWallThickness)**2) return outerSlugFuelArea + innerSlugFuelArea def __GetCladdingArea(self): ''' Returns the surface area of the cladding, in cm^2. Returns ------- outerSlugArea + innerSlugArea: float ''' slugLength = self._specs['Slug length [cm]'] outerSlugArea = 0.0 # side walls outerSlugOuterRadius = self._specs['Outer slug OD [cm]'] / 2.0 outerSlugArea += 2.0 * math.pi * outerSlugOuterRadius * slugLength outerSlugInnerRadius = self._specs['Outer slug ID [cm]'] / 2.0 outerSlugArea += 2.0 * math.pi * outerSlugInnerRadius * slugLength # add bottom and top areas outerSlugArea += 2.0 * math.pi * \ (outerSlugOuterRadius**2 - outerSlugInnerRadius**2) innerSlugArea = 0.0 # side walls innerSlugOuterRadius = self._specs['Inner slug OD [cm]'] / 2.0 innerSlugArea += 2.0 * math.pi * innerSlugOuterRadius * slugLength innerSlugInnerRadius = self._specs['Inner slug ID [cm]'] / 2.0 innerSlugArea += 2.0 * math.pi * innerSlugInnerRadius * slugLength # add bottom and top areas innerSlugArea += 2.0 * math.pi * \ (innerSlugOuterRadius**2 - innerSlugInnerRadius**2) return outerSlugArea + innerSlugArea def __GetEquivalentCladdingArea(self): ''' Returns the surface area of a sphere with a radius given by self._claddingHollowSphereRo with the same surface area as the cladding on the fuel slug, in cm^2. Returns ------- area: float ''' ro = self._claddingHollowSphereRo area = 4.0 * math.pi * ro return area def __GetEquivalentCladdingVolume(self): ''' Returns the equivalent cladding volume of a hollow sphere that is equal to the cladding volume in the fuel slug, in cm^3. Returns ------- volume: float ''' ro = self._claddingHollowSphereRo ri = self._claddingHollowSphereRi volume = 4.0 / 3.0 * math.pi * (ro**3 - ri**3) return volume def __GetEquivalentFuelVolume(self): ''' This function does the same thing as __GetEquivalentCladdingVolume but for fuel instead of clading. Returns ------- volume: float ''' ro = self._fuelHollowSphereRo ri = self._fuelHollowSphereRi volume = 4.0 / 3.0 * math.pi * (ro**3 - ri**3) return volume def __GetEquivalentFuelArea(self): ''' This function does the same thing as __GetEquiavelntCladdingArea, but for fuel instead of cladding. Returns ------- area: float ''' ro = self._fuelHollowSphereRo area = 4.0 * math.pi * ro return area # Shrink the volume based on the equivalent cladding hollow sphere def __ReduceCladdingVolume(self, dissolvedVolume): ''' Reduces the volume of cladding by the specified amount and then shrinks the dimensions of the cladding walls to fit the new volume. The function does this by first creating a hollow sphere with the same volume as the cladding, reduces this sphere's radius until an amount of volume specified by dissolvedVolume has been lost, and then translates this new volume into new cladding wall dimensions. Parameters ---------- dissolvedVolume: float ''' assert dissolvedVolume >= 0.0, 'dissolved volume= %r; failed.' % ( dissolvedVolume) if dissolvedVolume == 0.0: return if self._claddingHollowSphereRo == self._claddingHollowSphereRi: return dV = dissolvedVolume pi = math.pi # get this first massDens = _GetAttribute(self, 'claddingMassDens') # ................................................................................. # reduce the volume of the cladding hollow sphere ro = self._claddingHollowSphereRo ri = self._claddingHollowSphereRi volume = 4.0 / 3.0 * pi * (ro**3 - ri**3) if dV < volume: ro = (ri**3 + 3.0 / 4.0 / pi * (volume - dV))**(1 / 3) self._claddingHollowSphereRo = ro else: self._claddingHollowSphereRo = 0.0 self._claddingHollowSphereRi = 0.0 cladWallThickness = self._specs['Cladding wall thickness [cm]'] cladEndCapThickness = self._specs['Cladding end cap thickness [cm]'] self._specs['Inner slug ID [cm]'] += cladWallThickness self._specs['Inner slug OD [cm]'] -= cladWallThickness self._specs['Outer slug ID [cm]'] += cladWallThickness self._specs['Outer slug OD [cm]'] -= cladWallThickness self._specs['Slug length [cm]'] -= 2.0 * cladEndCapThickness self._specs['Cladding wall thickness [cm]'] = 0.0 self._specs['Cladding end cap thickness [cm]'] = 0.0 # ................................................................................. # Update the history of the cladding phase volume = _GetAttribute(self, 'equivalentCladdingVolume') self._claddingPhase.SetValue('volume', volume) self._claddingPhase.SetValue('mass', massDens * volume) def __ReduceFuelVolume(self, dissolvedVolume): ''' See __ReduceCladdingVolume, above. Parameters ---------- dissolvedVolume: float ''' assert dissolvedVolume >= 0.0, 'dissolved volume= %r; failed.' % ( dissolvedVolume) if dissolvedVolume == 0.0: return if self._fuelHollowSphereRo == self._fuelHollowSphereRi: return assert self._claddingHollowSphereRo == 0.0 assert self._claddingHollowSphereRi == 0.0 dV = dissolvedVolume pi = math.pi # get this first massDens = _GetAttribute(self, 'fuelMassDens') # ................................................................................. # reduce the volume of the fuel hollow sphere ro = self._fuelHollowSphereRo ri = self._fuelHollowSphereRi volume = 4.0 / 3.0 * pi * (ro**3 - ri**3) if dV < volume: ro = (ri**3 + 3.0 / 4.0 / pi * (volume - dV))**(1 / 3) self._fuelHollowSphereRo = ro else: self._fuelHollowSphereRo = 0.0 self._fuelHollowSphereRi = 0.0 self._specs['Inner slug ID [cm]'] = 0.0 self._specs['Inner slug OD [cm]'] = 0.0 self._specs['Outer slug ID [cm]'] = 0.0 self._specs['Outer slug OD [cm]'] = 0.0 self._specs['Slug length [cm]'] = 0.0 self._specs['Cladding wall thickness [cm]'] = 0.0 self._specs['Cladding end cap thickness [cm]'] = 0.0 # ................................................................................. # Update the history of the fuel phase volume = _GetAttribute(self, 'equivalentFuelVolume') self._fuelPhase.SetValue('volume', volume) self._fuelPhase.SetValue('mass', massDens * volume)
#============================ end class FuelSlug =================================