Source code for droplet

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the Cortix toolkit environment.

import pickle
import logging
import numpy as np
import scipy.constants as const
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from cortix.src.module import Module
from import Phase
from import Specie
from import Quantity

[docs]class Droplet(Module): ''' Droplet Cortix module used to model very simple fluid-particle interactions. Notes ----- Port names used in this module: `external-flow` exchanges data with any other module that provides information about the flow outside the droplet, `visualization` sends data to a visualization module. '''
[docs] def __init__(self): ''' Attributes ---------- initial_time: float end_time: float time_step: float show_time: tuple Two-element tuple, `(bool,float)`, `True` will print to standard output. ''' super().__init__() self.port_names_expected = ['external-flow','visualization'] self.initial_time = 0.0 self.end_time = 100 self.time_step = 0.1 self.show_time = (False,1*const.minute) self.bounce = True self.slip = True species = list() quantities = list() self.ode_params = dict() # Create a drop with random diameter up within 5 and 8 mm. self.droplet_diameter = (np.random.random(1) * (8 - 5) + 5)[0] * const.milli self.ode_params['droplet-diameter'] = self.droplet_diameter self.ode_params['droplet-xsec-area'] = np.pi * (self.droplet_diameter/2.0)**2 self.ode_params['gravity'] = const.g # Species in the liquid phase water = Specie(name='water', formula_name='H2O(l)', phase='liquid', \ atoms=['2*H','O']) water.massCC = 0.99965 # [g/cc] water.massCCUnit = 'g/cc' water.molarCCUnit = 'mole/cc' species.append(water) droplet_mass = 4/3 * np.pi * (self.droplet_diameter/2)**3 * water.massCC * \ const.gram / const.centi**3 # [kg] self.ode_params['droplet-mass'] = droplet_mass # Spatial position x_0 = np.zeros(3) position = Quantity(name='position', formalName='Pos.', unit='m', value=x_0) quantities.append(position) # Velocity v_0 = np.zeros(3) velocity = Quantity(name='velocity', formalName='Veloc.', unit='m/s', value=v_0) quantities.append(velocity) # Speed speed = Quantity(name='speed', formalName='Speed', unit='m/s', value=0.0) quantities.append(speed) # Radial position radial_pos = Quantity(name='radial-position', formalName='Radius', unit='m', \ value=np.linalg.norm(x_0[0:2])) quantities.append(radial_pos) # Liquid phase self.liquid_phase = Phase(self.initial_time, time_unit='s', species=species, \ quantities=quantities) self.liquid_phase.SetValue('water', water.massCC, self.initial_time) # Domain box dimensions: LxLxH m^3 box with given H. # Origin of cartesian coordinate system at the bottom of the box. # z coordinate pointing upwards. -L <= x <= L, -L <= y <= L, self.box_half_length = 250.0 # L [m] self.box_height = 500.0 # H [m] # Random positioning of the droplet constrained to a box sub-region. x_0 = (2 * np.random.random(3) - np.ones(3)) * self.box_half_length / 4.0 x_0[2] = self.box_height self.liquid_phase.SetValue('position', x_0, self.initial_time) # Droplet Initial velocity = 0 -> placed still in the flow self.liquid_phase.SetValue('velocity', np.array([0.0,0.0,0.0]), \ self.initial_time) # Default value for the medium surrounding the droplet if data is not passed # through a conneted port. medium_mass_density = 0.1 * const.gram / const.centi**3 # [kg/m^3] self.ode_params['medium-mass-density'] = medium_mass_density medium_displaced_mass = 4/3 * np.pi * (self.droplet_diameter/2)**3 * \ medium_mass_density # [kg] self.ode_params['medium-displaced-mass'] = medium_displaced_mass medium_dyn_viscosity = 1.81e-5 # kg/(m s) self.ode_params['medium-dyn-viscosity'] = medium_dyn_viscosity
[docs] def run(self, *args): time = self.initial_time self.bottom_impact = False while time < self.end_time: # Interactions in the external-flow port #--------------------------------------- position = self.liquid_phase.GetValue('position') self.send( (time,position), 'external-flow' ) (check_time, velocity,fluid_props) = self.recv( 'external-flow' ) assert abs(check_time-time) <= 1e-6 self.ode_params['flow-velocity'] = velocity #medium_mass_density = fluid_props.mass_density # see Vortex #medium_dyn_viscosity = fluid_props.dyn_viscosity # see Vortex medium_mass_density = fluid_props[0] medium_dyn_viscosity = fluid_props[1] self.ode_params['medium-mass-density'] = medium_mass_density medium_displaced_mass = 4/3 * np.pi * (self.droplet_diameter/2)**3 * \ medium_mass_density # [kg] self.ode_params['medium-displaced-mass'] = medium_displaced_mass self.ode_params['medium-dyn-viscosity'] = medium_dyn_viscosity # Interactions in the visualization port #--------------------------------------- self.send( position, 'visualization' ) # Evolve droplet state to next time stamp #---------------------------------------- time = self.__step( time ) self.send('DONE', 'visualization') # this should not be needed: TODO return
def __rhs_fn(self, u_vec, t, params): drop_pos = u_vec[:3] flow_velo = params['flow-velocity'] drop_velo = u_vec[3:] relative_velo = drop_velo - flow_velo relative_velo_mag = np.linalg.norm(relative_velo) area = params['droplet-xsec-area'] diameter = params['droplet-diameter'] dyn_visco = params['medium-dyn-viscosity'] rho_flow = params['medium-mass-density'] # Calculate the friction factor reynolds_num = rho_flow * relative_velo_mag * diameter / dyn_visco if reynolds_num <= 0.0: fric_factor = 0.0 elif reynolds_num < 0.1: fric_factor = 24 / reynolds_num elif reynolds_num >= 0.1 and reynolds_num < 6000.0: fric_factor = (np.sqrt(24 / reynolds_num) + 0.5407)**2 elif reynolds_num >= 6000: fric_factor = 0.44 drag = - fric_factor * area * rho_flow * relative_velo_mag * relative_velo / 2.0 gravity = params['gravity'] droplet_mass = params['droplet-mass'] medium_displaced_mass = params['medium-displaced-mass'] buoyant_force = (droplet_mass - medium_displaced_mass) * gravity dt_u_0 = u_vec[3] # d_t u_1 = u_4 dt_u_3 = drag[0]/droplet_mass # d_t u_4 = f_1/m dt_u_1 = u_vec[4] # d_t u_2 = u_5 dt_u_4 = drag[1]/droplet_mass # d_t u_5 = f_2/m dt_u_2 = u_vec[5] # d_t u_3 = u_6 dt_u_5 = (drag[2] - buoyant_force)/droplet_mass # d_t u_6 = f_3/m return [dt_u_0, dt_u_1, dt_u_2, dt_u_3, dt_u_4, dt_u_5] def __step(self, time=0.0): r''' ODE IVP problem: Given the initial data at :math:`t=0`, :math:`(u_1(0),u_2(0),u_3(0)) = (x_0,x_1,x_2)`, :math:`(u_4(0),u_5(0),u_6(0)) = (v_0,v_1,v_2) = (\dot{u}_1(0),\dot{u}_2(0),\dot{u}_3(0))`, solve :math:`\frac{\text{d}u}{\text{d}t} = f(u)` in the interval :math:`0\le t \le t_f`. When :math:`u_3(t)` is negative, bounce the droplet to a random height between 0 and :math:`1.0\,x_0` with no velocity, and continue the time integration until :math:`t = t_f`. Parameters ---------- time: float Time in the droplet unit of time (seconds). Returns ------- None ''' if not self.bottom_impact: x_0 = self.liquid_phase.GetValue('position', time) v_0 = self.liquid_phase.GetValue('velocity', time) u_vec_0 = np.concatenate((x_0,v_0)) t_interval_sec = np.linspace(0.0, self.time_step, num=2) (u_vec_hist, info_dict) = odeint(self.__rhs_fn, u_vec_0, t_interval_sec, args=( self.ode_params, ), rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-8, mxstep=300, full_output=True) assert info_dict['message'] =='Integration successful.', \ 'At time: %r; state: %r; message: %r; full output: %r'%\ (round(time,2), u_vec_0, info_dict['message'], info_dict) u_vec = u_vec_hist[1,:] # solution vector at final time step values = self.liquid_phase.GetRow(time) # values at previous time time += self.time_step self.liquid_phase.AddRow(time, values) if not self.bottom_impact: # Ground impact with bouncing drop if u_vec[2] <= 0.0 and self.bounce: position = self.liquid_phase.GetValue('position', self.initial_time) bounced_position = position[2] * np.random.random(1) u_vec[2] = bounced_position u_vec[3:] = 0.0 # zero velocity # Ground impact with no bouncing drop and slip velocity elif u_vec[2] <= 0.0 and not self.bounce and self.slip: u_vec[2] = 0.0 # don't bounce # Ground impact with no bouncing drop and no velocity elif u_vec[2] <= 0.0 and not self.bounce and not self.slip: u_vec[2] = 0.0 # don't bounce u_vec[3:] = 0.0 # zero velocity self.bottom_impact = True # Update current values self.liquid_phase.SetValue('position', u_vec[0:3], time) self.liquid_phase.SetValue('velocity', u_vec[3:], time) self.liquid_phase.SetValue('speed', np.linalg.norm(u_vec[3:]), time) self.liquid_phase.SetValue('radial-position', np.linalg.norm(u_vec[0:2]), time) return time