Source code for actor

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the Cortix toolkit environment
# All rights reserved, see COPYRIGHT for full restrictions.
# Licensed under the University of Massachusetts Lowell LICENSE:
This is a simple way to hide the name of species of interest in a simulation.
The user would modify and copy this class into the Cortix module of interest
and keep it private.
Author: Valmor de Almeida; vfda
Sat Aug 15 13:41:12 EDT 2015
import os
import sys

[docs]class Actor(): ''' See atoms list in Specie. ''' #********************************************************************************* # Construction #********************************************************************************* def __init__( self, name ): assert isinstance(name, str) # ** this is the section to be modified by the user of this class ** self.__name_atoms_formula = { 'water16' : [['2*H-1','O-16'],'H2O'], 'spc(v)' : [['2*O-16'],'O2'], 'spc1(v)' : [['O-16'],'O'], 'spc2(v)' : [['Xe-136'],'Xe'], 'spc3(v)' : [['I-127'],'I'], } # ** do not modify beyond this point ** assert name in self.__name_atoms_formula.keys(), 'name %r not valid.' % name self.__atoms = self.__name_atoms_formula[name][0] formula = self.__name_atoms_formula[name][1] assert isinstance(formula, str), 'formula %r not valid.' % formula self.__formula = formula return #********************************************************************************* # Public member functions #********************************************************************************* def __get_atoms(self): ''' Returns the specific nuclides found in the specified chemical. Returns ------- atoms: list(str) ''' return self.__atoms atoms = property(__get_atoms, None, None, None) def __get_formula(self): ''' Returns the formula of the chemical in question. Returns ------- formula: str ''' return self.__formula formula = property(__get_formula, None, None, None)
#********************************************************************************* # Private helper functions (internal use: __) #********************************************************************************* #======================= end class Actor =========================================