Source code for species

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the Cortix toolkit environment

import scipy.constants as const
from import ELEMENTS

[docs]class Species: ''' All SI units (kg,s,K,Pa,J,W). The Specie() class encapsulates either the molecular or empirical chemical formula of a compound. This is done as follows. Say MAO2 is either a molecular or empirical chemical formula of a ficticious compound denoting minor actinides dioxide. The list of atoms is given as follows: ['0.49*Np-237', '0.42*Am-241', '0.08*Am-243', '0.01*Cm-244', '2.0*O-16'] note the MA forming nuclides add to 1 = 0.49 + 0.42 + 0.08 + 0.01. Therefore the number of atoms in this compound is 3. 1 MA "ficticious" atom and 2 O. Note that the total number of "atoms" is obtained by summing all multipliers: 0.49 + 0.42 + 0.08 + 0.01 + 2.0. The nuclide is indicated by the element symbol followed by a dash and the atomic mass number. Here the number of nuclide types is 5 (self.num_nuclide_types). The numbers preceeding the nuclide symbol before the * will be referred to as multipliers. The sum of the multipliers will add to the number of "atoms" in the formula. WARNING: a multiplier could be in the format 0.00e-00. In this case a hiphen may appear twice, e.g.: 1.549e-09*U-233 Other forms can be used for common true species ['Np-237', '2.0*O-16'] or ['Np-237', 'O-16', 'O-16'] or [ '2*H', 'O' ] or [ 'H', 'O', 'H' ] etc... This code will calculate the molar mass of any species with a given valid atom list using a provided periodic table of chemical elements. The user can also reset the value of the molar mass with a setter method. ''' def __init__( self, name='null-species-name', formula_name='null-species-formula-name', atoms=list(), flag='null-species-flag', info=None): assert isinstance(name, str) = name assert isinstance(formula_name, str) self.formula_name = formula_name assert isinstance(atoms, list) self.atoms = atoms self.flag = flag # flag can be any type = info # info text such as technical name or other properties info self.molar_mass = 0.0 # kg/mol self.molar_heat_pwr = 0.0 self.molar_gamma_pwr = 0.0 self.molar_radioactivity = 0.0 self.molar_mass_unit = 'kg/mol' self.molar_heat_pwr_unit = 'W/mol' self.molar_gamma_pwr_unit = 'W/mol' self.molar_radioactivity_unit = 'Ci/mol' self.molar_radioactivity_fractions = list() self.update_molar_mass() return
[docs] def update_molar_mass(self): ''' Updates the molar mass of the species after the molecular formula has been changed. ''' molar_mass_const = const.physical_constants['molar mass constant'][0] molar_mass_const_unit = const.physical_constants['molar mass constant'][1] for entry in self.atoms: assert isinstance(entry, str) tmp = entry.split('*') nuclide = tmp[-1] element = nuclide.split('-')[0] assert element in ELEMENTS, 'element = %r'%(element) self.num_atoms = 0 self.num_nuclide_types = 0 nuclides = dict() num_atoms = 0 summ = 0.0 for entry in self.atoms: assert isinstance(entry, str) # format example: 3.2*O-18, or 3*O or O or O-16 tmp = entry.split('*') multiple = 1.0 # single nuclide if len(tmp) == 1: nuclide = tmp[0] # multiple nuclide elif len(tmp) == 2: multiple = float(tmp[0]) nuclide = tmp[1] else: assert False nuclides[nuclide] = multiple num_atoms += multiple try: tmp = nuclide.split('-') if len(tmp) == 1: element = ELEMENTS[tmp[0]] rel_atomic_mass = element.exactmass # from isotopic composition if rel_atomic_mass == 0.0: rel_atomic_mass = element.mass molar_mass = rel_atomic_mass * molar_mass_const elif len(tmp) == 2: element = ELEMENTS[tmp[0]].isotopes[int(tmp[1].strip('m'))] molar_mass = element.mass * molar_mass_const else: assert False except KeyError: summ += multiple * 0.0 else: summ += multiple * molar_mass self.molar_mass = summ self.num_atoms = num_atoms self.num_nuclide_types = len(nuclides) return
[docs] def reorder_formula(self): ''' Takes a list of atoms for a molecular or empirical formula and places it in order of decreasing magnitude of stoichiometric coefficient. For example, [O, 2*H] will be returned as [2*H, O]. This is used for printing purposes. The internal order will not change. Returns ------- atoms2: list ''' atoms1 = self.atoms[:] # shallow copy atoms2 = list() if len(self.atoms) <= 1: return atoms1 if len(self.atoms) > 1: # save the multiplier value as a string type of scientific notation for entry in self.atoms: assert isinstance(entry, str) # format example: 3.2*O-18, or 3*O or O or O-16 tmp = entry.split('*') nuclide = tmp[-1] multiplier = 0.0 if len(tmp) == 1: multiplier = 1 elif len(tmp) == 2: multiplier = float(tmp[0]) else: assert False assert multiplier != 0.0, 'multiplier = %r' % (multiplier) multiplier = '{0:9.3e}'.format(multiplier) atoms1[self.atoms.index(entry)] = multiplier + '*' + nuclide # order in decreasing order of multiplier magnitude multipliers_lst = list() for entry in atoms1: tmp = entry.split('*') multiplier = 0.0 if len(tmp) == 1: continue elif len(tmp) == 2: multiplier = float(tmp[0]) else: assert False multipliers_lst.append(float(multiplier)) sorted_atoms = [a for (i, a) in sorted(zip(multipliers_lst, atoms1), key=lambda pair: pair[0], reverse=True)] atoms2 = sorted_atoms return atoms2
def __str__(self): s = '\n\t ' + \ '\n\t Species(): name=%s;' + \ ' formula_name=%s;' + \ '\n\t formula=%s;' + \ '\n\t # atoms=%s;' + ' # nuclide types=%s;' + ' molar mass=%9.3e[%s];' + \ '\n\t flag=%s;' + \ '\n\t info=%s;' + \ '\n\t molar radioactivity=%9.3e[%s];' + \ '\n\t molar heat pwr=%9.3e[%s];' + \ '\n\t molar gamma pwr=%9.3e[%s];' + \ '\n\t atoms=%s;' + \ '\n\t molar radioactivity fractions=%s' return s % (, self.formula_name, self.reorder_formula(), self.num_atoms, self.num_nuclide_types, self.molar_mass, \ self.molar_mass_unit, self.flag,, self.molar_radioactivity, self.molar_radioactivity_unit, self.molar_heat_pwr, self.molar_heat_pwr_unit, self.molar_gamma_pwr, self.molar_gamma_pwr_unit, [i.split('*')[-1] for i in self.atoms], ['%9.3e' % i for i in self.molar_radioactivity_fractions]) def __repr__(self): s = '\n\t Species(): name=%s;' + \ ' formula_name=%s;' + \ '\n\t formula=%s;' + \ '\n\t # atoms=%s;' + ' # nuclide types=%s;' + ' molar mass=%9.3e[%s];' + \ '\n\t flag=%s;' + \ '\n\t molar radioactivity=%9.3e[%s];' + \ '\n\t molar heat pwr=%9.3e[%s];' + \ '\n\t molar gamma pwr=%9.3e[%s];' + \ '\n\t atoms=%s;' + \ '\n\t molar radioactivity fractions=%s' return s % (, self.formula_name, self.reorder_formula(), self.num_atoms, self.num_nuclide_types, self.molar_mass, \ self.molar_mass_unit, self.flag, self.molar_radioactivity, self.molar_radioactivity_unit, self.molar_heat_pwr, self.molar_heat_pwr_unit, self.molar_gamma_pwr, self.molar_gamma_pwr_unit, [i.split('*')[-1] for i in self.atoms], ['%9.3e' % i for i in self.molar_radioactivity_fractions])
if __name__ == '__main__': tbp_org = Species( name='TBP', formula_name='(C4H9O)_3PO(o)', atoms=['12*C','27*H','4*O','P'] ) print(tbp_org) no3Minus_aqu = Species( name='NO3-', formula_name='NO3-(a)', atoms=['N','3*O'] ) print(no3Minus_aqu)