Source code for fuel_segment

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the Cortix toolkit environment
# All rights reserved, see COPYRIGHT for full restrictions.
# Licensed under the University of Massachusetts Lowell LICENSE:
Fuel segment
Author: Valmor de Almeida; vfda
Sat Jun 27 14:46:49 EDT 2015
import os
import sys
import io
import time
import datetime
import math
import random
import pandas

from import ELEMENTS
from import SERIES
from import Specie

[docs]class FuelSegment(): # TODO: Species should not be here. Need to replace by Phase instead. # Chopper will be affected #********************************************************************************* # Construction #********************************************************************************* def __init__(self, geometry = pandas.Series(), species = list() ): assert isinstance(geometry, pandas.Series), 'fatal.' assert isinstance(species, list), 'fatal.' if isinstance(species, list) and len(species) > 0: assert isinstance(species[0], Specie) self.attribute_names = \ ['n-segments', 'fuel-volume', 'segment-volume', 'fuel-diameter', 'fuel-length', 'mass', 'mass-dens', 'mass-cc', 'nuclides', 'isotopes', 'radioactivity', 'radioactivity-dens', 'gamma', 'gamma-dens', 'heat', 'heat-dens', 'molar-heat-pwr', 'molar-gamma-pwr'] self.__geometry = geometry self.__species = species #********************************************************************************* # Public Member Functions #*********************************************************************************
[docs] def get_geometry(self): ''' Returns the geometry of the fuel bundle (cylindrical, hexoganol, rectangular, etc). Returns ------- geometry: str ''' return self.__geometry
geometry = property(get_geometry, None, None, None)
[docs] def get_species(self): ''' Returns the species object which describes the composition of the fuel bundle. The species encapsulates all chemical species present in the fuel bundle. Returns ------- species: object ''' return self.__species
species = property(get_species, None, None, None)
[docs] def get_specie(self, name): ''' Returns a specie named [name] from the list of species making up the fuel bundle. If no name is specified, this function will return None. Parameters ---------- name: str Returns ------- specie: obj ''' for specie in self.__species: if == name: return specie return None
specie = property(get_specie, None, None, None) # Get stored fuel segment property either overall or on a nuclide basis
[docs] def get_attribute(self, name, nuclide=None, series=None): ''' Used to get stored fuel segment properties, either overall (as an average), or on a nuclide basis. "name" in this case refers to the attribute in question. At this point in time, series is not implemented and passing it to this function will result in an error. Possible attributes that may be retrieved with this function, as well as the name to pass to this function to retrieve them are: number of segments in the bundle (n-segments, always equal to 1), the id of the segment that makes up the bundle (segment-id), the volume of the fuel in the bundle (fuel-volume), the total volume of the segment (segment-volume), the diameter (fuel-diameter) and length (fuel-length) of the segment, the mass or mass density of the segment (mass or mass-cc, respectively), or the total or per-volume radioactivity, gamma radiation density or heat density of the fuel segment (radioactivity and radioactivityDens, gamma and gamma-dens, and heat and heat-dens, respectively). Finally, density or total mass of a specific nuclide can be determined by passing a specific nuclide to the function, with a name value of mass or mass-cc. Parameters ---------- name: str nuclide: str Returns ------- many types ''' attribute_name = name assert attribute_name in self.attribute_names, \ 'attribute_name: %r; options: %r; fail.' % \ (attribute_name, self.attribute_names) if nuclide is not None: assert isinstance(nuclide,str), 'type(nuclide) = %r' % type(nuclide) # no multipliers for now (see below: codes is almost ready for it) assert len(nuclide.split('*')) == 1, 'nuclide = %r' % nuclide # sanity check if nuclide is not None: assert series is None, 'fail.' if series is not None: assert nuclide is None, 'fail.' if series is not None: assert False, ' not implemented.' if attribute_name == 'isotopes': assert nuclide is not None, 'need a nuclide symbol.' # ................................................................................. # # of segments if attribute_name == 'n-segments': return 1 # ................................................................................. # segment id if attribute_name == 'segment-id': return self.__geometry['segment id'] # ................................................................................. # fuel volume if attribute_name == 'fuel-volume': return self.__get_fuel_segment_volume() # ................................................................................. # segment volume if attribute_name == 'segment-volume': cladding_length = self.__geometry['cladding length [cm]'] cladding_diam = self.__geometry['OD [cm]'] volume = cladding_length * math.pi * (cladding_diam / 2.0)**2 return volume # ................................................................................. # fuel diameter if attribute_name == 'fuel-diameter': fuel_diam = self.__geometry['fuel diameter [cm]'] return fuel_diam # ................................................................................. # fuel length if attribute_name == 'fuel-length': fuel_length = self.__geometry['fuel length [cm]'] return fuel_length # ................................................................................. # fuel segment overall quantities if nuclide is None and series is None: # mass or mass concentration if attribute_name == 'mass-cc' or attribute_name == 'mass-dens' or attribute_name == 'mass': mass_cc = 0.0 for spc in self.__species: mass_cc += spc.massCC if attribute_name == 'mass-cc' or attribute_name == 'mass-dens': return mass_cc else: volume = self.__get_fuel_segment_volume() return mass_cc * volume # radioactivity if attribute_name == 'radioactivtyDens' or attribute_name == 'radioactivity': radDens = 0.0 for spc in self.__species: radDens += spc.molarRadioactivity * spc.molarCC if attribute_name == 'radioactivity-dens': return radDens else: volume = self.__get_fuel_segment_volume() return radDens * volume # gamma if attribute_name == 'gamma-dens' or attribute_name == 'gamma': gamma_dens = 0.0 for spc in self.__species: gamma_dens += spc.molarGammaPwr * spc.molarCC if attribute_name == 'gamma-dens': return gamma_dens else: volume = self.__get_fuel_segment_volume() return gamma_dens * volume # heat if attribute_name == 'heat-dens' or attribute_name == 'heat': heat_dens = 0.0 for spc in self.__species: heat_dens += spc.molarHeatPwr * spc.molarCC if attribute_name == 'heat-dens': return heat_dens else: volume = self.__get_fuel_segment_volume() return heat_dens * volume # ................................................................................. # radioactivity if attribute_name == 'radioactivity-dens' or attribute_name == 'radioactivity': assert False colName = 'Radioactivity Dens. [Ci/cc]' # ................................................................................. # thermal if attribute_name == 'thermalDens' or attribute_name == 'thermal' or \ attribute_name == 'heat-dens' or attribute_name == 'heat': assert False colName = 'Thermal Dens. [W/cc]' # ................................................................................. # gamma if attribute_name == 'gamma-dens' or attribute_name == 'gamma': assert False colName = 'Gamma Dens. [W/cc]' # ................................................................................. ########################################################################## # ................................................................................. # if attribute_name[-4:] == 'Dens' or attribute_name[-2:] == 'CC': # attributeDens = True # else: # attributeDens = False # ................................................................................. # all nuclide content of the fuel added # if nuclide is None and series is None: # # density = 0.0 # # density = self.propertyDensities[ colName ].sum() # # if attributeDens is False: # volume = self.__get_fuel_segment_volume() # prop = density * volume # return prop # else: # return density # ................................................................................. # get chemical element series # if series is not None: # # density = 0.0 # # for isotope in isotopes: # density += self.propertyDensities.loc[isotope,colName] # # if attributeDens is False: # volume = self.__get_fuel_segment_volume() # prop = density * volume # return prop # else: # return density # ................................................................................. # get specific nuclide (either the isotopes of the nuclide or the specific # isotope) property: note the most complex case handled is, say: 2*Cs-133. if nuclide is not None: # a particular nuclide given (atomic number and atomic mass number) if len(nuclide.split('-')) == 2: nuclideMassNumber = int(nuclide.split('-')[1].strip('m')) nuclideSymbol = nuclide.split('-')[0] nuclideMolarMass = ELEMENTS[nuclideSymbol].isotopes[nuclideMassNumber].mass mass_cc = 0.0 for spc in self.__species: formula = spc.atoms mole_fraction = 0.0 for item in formula: if len(item.split('*') ) == 1: # no multiplier (implies 1.0) formula_nuclide_symbol = item.split('-')[0].strip() if formula_nuclide_symbol == nuclideSymbol: assert len(item.split('-')) == 2 if item.split('*')[0].strip() == nuclide: mole_fraction = 1.0 else: mole_fraction = 0.0 elif len(item.split('*')) == 2: # with multiplier formula_nuclide_symbol = item.split( '*')[1].split('-')[0].strip() if formula_nuclide_symbol == nuclideSymbol: assert len(item.split('*')[1].split('-')) == 2 if item.split('*')[1].strip() == nuclide: mole_fraction = float( item.split('*')[0].strip()) else: mole_fraction = 0.0 else: assert False mass_cc += spc.molarCC * mole_fraction * nuclideMolarMass return mass_cc * self.__get_fuel_segment_volume() # chemical element given (only atomic number given) elif len(nuclide.split('-')) == 1: mass_cc = 0.0 for spc in self.__species: formula = spc.atoms for item in formula: mole_fraction = 0.0 if len(item.split('*') ) == 1: # no multiplier (implies 1.0) assert len(item.split('-')) == 2 formula_nuclide_symbol = item.split('-')[0].strip() formula_nuclide_mass_number = int( item.split('-')[1].strip('m')) formula_nuclide_molar_mass = ELEMENTS[formula_nuclide_symbol].isotopes[formula_nuclide_mass_number].mass if formula_nuclide_symbol == nuclide: mole_fraction = 1.0 else: mole_fraction = 0.0 elif len(item.split('*')) == 2: # with multiplier assert len(item.split('*')[1].split('-')) == 2 formula_nuclides_symbol = item.split( '*')[1].split('-')[0].strip() formula_nuclide_mass_number = int( item.split('*')[1].split('-')[1].strip('m')) formula_nuclide_molar_mass = \ ELEMENTS[formula_nuclides_symbol].isotopes[formula_nuclide_mass_number].mass if formula_nuclides_symbol == nuclide: mole_fraction = float( item.split('*')[0].strip()) else: mole_fraction = 0.0 else: assert False mass_cc += spc.molarCC * mole_fraction * formula_nuclide_molar_mass return mass_cc * self.__get_fuel_segment_volume() else: assert False
#********************************************************************************** # Private Helper Functions (internal use: __) #********************************************************************************* def __get_fuel_segment_volume(self): ''' Returns the total volume of fuel in the fuel segment. Returns ------- volume: float ''' fuel_length = self.__geometry['fuel length [cm]'] fuel_diam = self.__geometry['fuel diameter [cm]'] volume = fuel_length * math.pi * (fuel_diam / 2.0)**2 return volume
[docs] def __str__(self): ''' Used to print the geometry of the fuel segment and the species that it consists of. Returns ------- s: str ''' s = 'FuelSegment(): %s\n %s\n' return s % (self.__geometry, self.__species)
[docs] def __repr__(self): ''' Used to pront the geometry of the fuel segment and the species that it consists of. Returns ------- s: str ''' s = 'FuelSegment(): %s\n %s\n' return s % (self.__geometry, self.__species)
#============================ end class FuelSegment ==============================